Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ghost crab pots

this year the state of virginia started a program to remove abandoned crab pots and other debris from the chesapeake bay. 58 watermen participated in the program which covered over 1500 square miles and recovered 8600 pots, along with 61 nets and a baby stroller. this is a fantastic program coordinated by the virginia institute of marine science (VIMS)! not only did it replace income for the watermen lost due to the elimination of the winter dredge, it will help revive the health of the ailing bay: almost 5000 animals were killed while trapped in these derelict pots. This is the only large-scale program of its kind in the country that seeks out and removes unmarked, submerged, derelict crab pots using side-imaging equipment. very cool. support vims, please.